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The specialized commission of Iranian Home Appliance Industry have always been a place of exchanging opinions, discussion as well as examining problems faced by the home appliance and related parts manufacturers.

The commission of gas energy efficiency, electricity efficiency and safety research and development were the first commissions formed in this organization.

The increase in the number of companies who are the member of the association caused these commissions to become product oriented. As a result the mentioned commissions expanded their activities in a more specialized which brought important outputs.

Despite the outbreak of the Corona pandemic in 1400, all the specialized commissions of the association continued to meet virtually. The most important point is that the active participation of members deserves the appreciation in the various meetings of members.

The Association intends to implement some approaches and structural changed on holding its specialized commissions meeting in the next year in order to provide a more effective convergence and synergy with the help of the wisdom and collective thought of the members of the large and old family against the specialized issues of its subsidiary commissions. This approach enriches and maximizes the effectiveness of the Association subsidiary commissions in an appropriate way.

In this regard, the following is a description of the topics discussed in the different and various specialized Association commissions in 1400.

Commission for Industry issues review (Industry Issues Review Commission)

In 1400 the Industry Issues review commission has convened seven meeting.  In these meetings Hassan Allahyari, Director General of the Office of Supervision on Metal and Mineral Goods of the Organization for the Protection of Costumer was present. The members of these commissions dissuaded a variety of topics include the determination of the approbatively price of household appliance, investigating banking problems and currency allocation for importing required parts and raw materials, reviewing the chain financing plan of the home appliances industry, investigating the problem of supplying steel sheets and petrochemical raw materials, investigating the problem of not supplying stove valves to the required amount of domestic stove producers by ShirSazan were among the topics discussed in these meetings.

Customer Service Commission

In 1400, the Costumer Service Commission held 9 meeting in which different topics were discussed. Main topics included subjects like the need of rapid vaccination of authorized service companies of home appliance manufacturing companies for preventing the spread of corona virus, reviewing the requirements and registration of companies in the comprehensive guarantee system and its relationship with the comprehensive trading system. Also, the necessity of evaluating and auditing the customer service system, of home appliance companies by authorized companies at one-year intervals and examining the shortcoming and defects of the requirements of the executive rules of costumer protection in the field of home appliance were among the topics discussed in these meetings.

Water Cooler manufacturers Commission

Last year, in 1400, the Water Cooler Manufacturers Commission held 7 meetings in order to discuss the obstacles that exporting water coolers to Iraq and Afganistan faced with. Also investigating the problem of preparing steel sheets with coating emphasized in the water cooler standard as well as investigating the coordinates of BLDC electric motors and the reasons for not being widely used in production of water coolers were the topics discussed in these meeting.  Other subjects which investigated in the meetings of this Commission included emphasizing the interaction with standard research institute regarding the problem of current leakage in air conditioners equipped with BLDC electric motors and determining the standard assignment of water cooler parts.

Stove and hood manufacturers Commission

In 1400, the Commission held 7 different meetings in which member were invited by the directors of the stove and hood accreditation laboratories to review the relevant national standards. In these meeting the members also asked and answered technical questions about stove and hoods test and reviewed the cases with the most rejection statics in the stove and hood laboratories. Also, members and guests held question answering meetings to examine the problems related to the supply of some gas stove parts, make decision on the development of factory standards for some important gas stove parts that do not have a national standard.

Export commission

10 meetings were held in the Export Commission of Association in 1400. In these meetings the chairman and secretary General of the joint Chambers of Commerce of Iran and Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, UAE and Vietnam separately discussed the export opportunities of the Association’s companies to these countries. Director General of the Trade Services Development Office of the Trade Development Organization of Iran invited to the meeting of members with the Pakistan delegation. In this meeting the customs laws and regulations of target countries were reviewed in 10 sessions in order to facilitates exports and review export development opportunities during the 21st international Home Appliance Exhibition (Humex 1400)

Department of Parts Manufacturers

In 1400, the Parts Manufacturers held 6 sessions. The most important topics discussed in these sessions include different subjects which were: Investigating the methods of creating quality competition between parts manufacturers in the home appliance industry in order to improve quality and increase the depth of domestic production, creating a platform for more parts manufacturers to interact with final product manufacturers, selecting ISQI Iran Quality and Standard Inspection Company to evaluate and diagnose component manufacturers Parts Manufacturers and Secretary and members of the Commission’s Board of Directors contact with member parts manufacturers and justify the evaluation, evaluation and diagnostic process of 20 companies during the year 1400 and plan to provide expert advice by ISQI to component manufacturers following the diagnostic process performed by the company to improve Various processes of companies producing parts and sets of home appliances, members of the association.

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